Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg

Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (rbb) (Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcasting) is an institution under public law (national broadcaster) for the states of Berlin and Brandenburg, situated in Berlin and Potsdam. rbb was established on 1 May 2003 through the merger of Sender Freies Berlin (SFB) and Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg (ORB), based in Potsdam, and is a member of the Association of PSBs in the Federal Republic of Germany (ARD).

rbb has not only the two main studios in Berlin and Potsdam, but also regional studios in Cottbus and Frankfurt (Oder) and regional offices in Perleberg and Prenzlau. In addition, rbb currently operates the ARD International Studio in Warsaw. The institution also operates the ARD Play-Out Center in Potsdam, a broadcast center for the programs within the ARD digital bouquet. rbb, together with WDR, is responsible for the ARD television studio in Berlin.


Legal basis

rbb was built on 25 June 2002 on the basis of the treaty about the establishment of a joint broadcasting company by the states of Berlin and Brandenburg. Therefore, rbb hosts radio and television and has to make sure that both treaty states will be equally provided "with respect to the regional program needs".


Licensing fees required for Radio and TV sets are €17.03 per month, as of 1 April 2005. For radio reception alone, the monthly fee is €5.52 These fees are not collected directly by the rbb but by the GEZ that is a common organisation of ARD, and it's members, ZDF and Deutschlandfunk.




See also: German television

Well known productions

rbb is producing for ARD crime films for the crime series Tatort and Polizeiruf 110, the political journal Kontraste and the satirical show Satiregipfel (formerly "Scheibenwischer"). In the years from 2003 to 2005 rbb broadcasted the Kurt Krömer Show, which attracted attention nationwide. Since 2005/06 the institution produces the successor format Bei Krömers for ARD.

The regional news show Abendschau has a high profile in the capitol region. Since 1958, initially with a slot in ARD including nationwide transmission of the Berlin visit of John F. Kennedy, and later distributed under SFB-frequency, Abendschau reports as an urban magazine on politics, economy, sports and timeliness in Berlin and presents sensitivities, originals and anecdotes from the districts and boroughs.

For younger audiences between four and eight years old, rbb produces the "Ohrenbär".

External links